
Shortly after receiving Federal Recognition in November 1946, the 199th Fighter Squadron and it’s support units moved to Area 65 on then-Hickam Field. The flying unit remained in this location ...
Read More Check Six: Area 65 HIANG’s First Home on Hickam Field – 70 years ago

The Flag still flies 🇺🇸 #FlagDay #FlagDay2018 pic.twitter.com/cYnV64gKxg — Cameron Grant (@coolghost101) June 14, 2018 The 9-11 Attack – from History.com

Taken from the August 1952 issue of the Hawaii Guardsman Department of the Air Force has just announced that enlisted personnel of the Hawaii National Guard may now apple to ...
Read More Check Six – 1952: Aviation Cadet Training for National Guard Enlisted Personnel

From the Spring 1970 issue of Hawaii Guardsman Redlegs Receive Awards. Eighty-six members of the Battalion were honored with a variety of awards as a Battalion Ceremony held in the Fort ...
Read More Check Six: 487th Field Artillery News – 48 years ago

From the Fall 1969 issue of Hawaii Guardsman Time 0400. The ringing of a telephone disrupts the sound sleep of the Missile Shop Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge. The message – ...
Read More Check Six: Munitions Maintenance – 49 years ago

From the September 1965 issue of Hawaii Guardsman In the September 1965 issue of the Hawaii Guardsman, the-Capt John “Saigon” Lee was named the Hawaii Air National Guard’s Outstanding Interceptor Pilot. ...
Read More Check Six: Capt John Lee – 53 years ago

This undated photograph shows a F-102A Delta Dagger over Dillingham Field with Kaena Point in the distance. During the 1960s, the then-154th Fighter Interceptor Group had summer camps at Dillingham.

Retiree News just posted a photograph of three Hawaii Air National Guard members at the NCO Academy Graduate Association Seminar 33, Reno, Nevada on July 26, 2001. But these seminars ...
Read More Check Six – 2001: NCOAGA Seminar 33

Doug Awana send Retiree News this photograph as he was securing some boxes during his family’s Hurricane Lane preparations. The photograph shows three veteran members of the 154th Wing’s maintenance ...
Read More Check Six – 2001: Old Friends from Maintenance

From the Air National Guard website A team of Hawaii Air National Guard (HIANG) air defense experts traveled to various air bases in the Philippines to conduct subject-matter expert exchanges ...
Read More HIANG brings high level air defense expertise to Philippine engagement