HCATT Wins DBEDT’s 2018 Team of the Year Award
Posted on Aug 22, 2018 in Awards
Early this year, the Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism (DBEDT) named the Hawaii Center for Advanced Transportation Technologies (HCATT) as their Team of the Year.
Among this team are three retired/former members of the Hawaii Air National Guard.
Stanley “Ossum” Osserman flew as a weapon systems officer (WSO) during the 154th Wing’s F-4C Phantom era. He flew as a navigator with the 203rd Air Refueling Squadron and was one o unit’s original members. Later in his career, he served in key staff and command positions. He retired a brigadier general service as the Chief of Staff of the Hawaii Air National Guard.
David Molinairo served in the 154th Wing in maintenance and supply. He later became the Director of Staff at Hq, Hawaii Air National Guard where he retired as a colonel.
Christine Tanuvasa served at Hq, Hawaii Air National Guard and the 154th Wing for several years before leaving to pursue her civilian career goals.
Hawaii Center for Advanced Transportation Technologies. Through a partnership with the Air Force and the State of Hawaii, HCATT manages both the National Demonstration Center for Alternative Fuel Vehicles and the Air Force Energy and Security Integration and Demonstration Center. HCATT’s projects combine demonstration and integration of multiple renewable energy technologies to inform Air Force requirements and concepts of operation. Through partnerships with industry, and local and federal government, HCATT supports the development of ready installations, resilient environmental infrastructure and reliable energy in Hawaii and the Pacific Region.
HCATT partnerships include federal funding support from the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), through its Advanced Power and Technology Office (APTO) as well as renewable energy infrastructure development with the Hawaii Hydrogen Implementation Working Group (H2IWG).
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