
In January 1968, the capture of the U.S.S. Pueblo and the Tet Offensive caused President Lyndon Johnson to reverse his policy on using the reserve components in the Vietnam War.  The Air National Guard ...
Read More Check Six – 1968: Operation Palace Alert

The Hawai‘i State Department of Defense once held their Awards and Retirement luncheons twice a year. These luncheons recognized retiring Federal and state employees. Current employees who achieved 10, 20, ...
Read More Check Six – 2008: Old Friends Retiring

Retirement ceremonies are an important part of a person’s military career. Many times retirees join currently serving members to honor the newest retiree. William Petti‘s ceremony was June 25, 2010 ...
Read More Check Six – 2010: Friends at a Retirement Ceremony

One of the traditions at the Department of Defense headquarters is the annual Christmas tree trimming. Everyone brings an ornament to trim the Christmas tree in the second floor hallway. ...
Read More Check Six – 2007: Christmas Tree Trimming

On July 19, 1960, the National Guard Bureau officially announced the 154th Fighter Interceptor Group (154 FIG) was converting to Convair F-102A Delta Daggers. The first Deuces arrived in Hawaii ...
Read More Check Six – 1961: Transitioning to the Deuce

Nine pilots were put through a concentrated training program and became qualified as Alert Ready. The 199th Fighter Squadron went on 24 hour active air defense alert at 0001 October ...
Read More Check Six – 1958: Alert Facility Dedication

The Hawai‘i State Department of Defense once held their Awards and Retirement luncheons twice a year. These luncheons recognized retiring Federal and state employees. Current employees who achieved 10, 20, ...
Read More Check Six – 2011: Joseph Kaaikaula Retires

The State Department of Defense hosted a retirement party for Darryll Wong. Darryll served as the Adjutant General during Governor Neil Abercrombie’s tenure. The part was held at the Hilton ...
Read More Check Six – 2015: Darryll Wong Retirement Party

Arthur “Joe” Logan was promoted to brigadier general on December 15, 2015. The ceremony was held at Washington Place. Governor David Ige pinned Joe and administered the oath. There were ...
Read More Check Six – 2015: BG Logan’s Promotion Ceremony

The Air National Guard established a Senior Enlisted Advisor (SEA) position in each state headquarters in 1978. The position title changed to Command Chief in the 1990s. In the same ...
Read More Check Six: State Senior Enlisted Advisors

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