
HILO, Hawaii – Louisa Serikaku, was presented with a Patriot Award December 7 by Hawai‘i Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Chair, Robert Lee and the Hilo area Chair ...
Read More Legacy Hilo supervisor receives Department of Defense Patriot Award

KAPOLEI, Hawaii – Joshua Phillip, Department of Health, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division supervisor, was presented with a Patriot Award December 15, by Bob McKaig, volunteer for the Hawai‘i Employer ...
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KAPOLEI, Hawai‘i – Trebor Kang, Par Hawaii Refining supervisor, was presented with a Patriot Award Dec. 7, by Bob McKaig, volunteer for the Hawai‘i Employer Support of the Guard and ...
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WAIPAHU, Hawai‘i – Dr. Darin K. Hisanaga, a veterinarian at Waipahu Waikele Pet Hospital, was presented with a Patriot Award December 12, by Hawai‘i ESGR Volunteer Training Director Bridget Komine, ...
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Great Day for JAGs

Posted on Jul 19, 2016 in Awards

BG Keith Tamashiro, Commander of the Hawai‘i Army National Guard, hosted a ceremony honoring three long serving judge advocate general (JAG) officers. General Tamashiro presented the recently retired JAGs Winston ...
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The 200 Club presented awards for outstanding Honolulu Police Department employees at the Waialae Country Club yesterday. The 200 Club is an organization comprised of 200 businesses and community leaders who ...
Read More Outstanding HPD Employees Honored By The 200 Club

And the winners were…

Posted on Apr 6, 2016 in Awards

In 2001, the Launa’Ole – Above All Others awards were born. For the past 15 years, the Hawaii Air National Guard has held the Launa’Ole awards and our reputation continues to grow ...
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Kai Kahele wins HQ PACAF Award

Posted on Feb 29, 2016 in Awards

Maj Kaialii “Kai” Kahele received the Headquarters Pacific Air Forces Guard Officer of the Year Award.  On his Twitter site #kaikahele, Kai said, “he was honored & humbled to receive the ...
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Military and local community members gathered to honor and recognize 120 military enlistees during the Inaugural Our Community Salutes (OCS) Recognition Ceremony at the USS Battleship Missouri Memorial May 17, ...
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Hawaii Military Month

Posted on May 8, 2015 in Awards

From the Adjutant General’s Facebook page Specialist Melody R. Bell, a Hawaii Army National Guard combat medic, is recognized community service during Hawaii Military Month ceremonies held at the State Capitol, ...
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