Taken from the HANG 25 Booklet, the History of the Hawaii Air National Guard, November 4, 1946 to November 3, 1971
The first aircraft the newly recognized 199th Fighter Squadron received was Douglas A-26 Invader, no. 433 on March 19, 1947. The A-26 was redesignated a B-26 Invader in 1948. Eventually, the squadron possessed four TB-26Cs.
The first major accident occurred May 9, 1948 when TB-26B, no. 294 made a wheels-up emergency landing (touchdown at 92 knots and skidded 500 feet). The aircrew were lst Lt Robert 8. Maguire, lst Lt Julian M. Blomburg and SSgt George Miller. The Accident Board found this was due to maladjustment of the landing gear uplock assembly, and the left main gear failed to extend.
Five novel B-26 missions were flown in the latter part of 1953-dispensing salt water and dry ice for rain- making efforts over the drought-stricken islands of Maui and Molokai. These were under the auspices of the Territorial Board of Agriculture and Forestry. Mission accomplishment was dubious.
Exactly when the B-26s left the 199 FS inventory is unknown, but the mid-1950s is commonly mentioned by older retirees.
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