CMSgt Raquel Ramos submits reports and photographs of the activities of Hawai‘i National Guard members assigned to the National Guard Bureau and other locations in the Washington DC area. This group, known as Team 808, has activities where the Hawai‘i Guard members can meet in a social setting.
Earlier this month, they has a “hail and farewell” for Team 808 who just joined the team and for those who are leaving the DC area. The luncheon was at the Army Navy Country Club in Arlington, Virginia.
COL Roy Macaraeg, who currently serves as the Military Assistant for Training, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army, summarized the personnel changes.
Teammates who are leaving are LTC Valdez (Ft Bragg), MAJ Caraang (Ft Bragg), MAJ Daniels (Ft Leavenworth-ILE), MAJ Binder (Ft Leavenworth-ILE), LTC Ellison (T10/32 back to Hawaii).
Those who are coming in are MAJ Neumann (ARNG Surgeon’s Office) and LTC Penney who will be working in ARNG G1 (T10/32 swap with LTC Ellison).
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