Check Six – 1956: HANG 10th Anniversary

Posted on Apr 9, 2021 in 1950's, Check Six
Hawaii Air National Guard photograph

From the HANG 25 – History of the Hawaii Air National Guard booklet:

HANGmen celebrated their 10th Anniversary with a luau and dance on November 3, 1956. Governor Samuel W. King addressed the aloha-shirted Hawaii Air Guardsmen, Maj Walter F. Judd, master of ceremonies presented the 199th (Fighter Squadron) ably assisted by nine others who recounted anecdotes: Capt Tyler M. Haar, MSgts William K. EnokaSun Yau GooCarl S.B. Kang, TSgt Vernon S. DeLimaLawrence Partika, and A1C Arthur Lee

The classic anecdote of the evening was made by MSgt Kang, “1955 Summer Camp was a bad year for us crapshooters, the “ole man” really cracked down on us – so, the younger men took up bowling and us older men took up beer drinking for recreation”.

1st Sgt Theodore D. Hussey called the November 4, 1946 roll, and 10 charter HANGmem answered “here” and front and center to receive lei from the first lady for the squadron, Mrs. James R. Ashford – 1st Lts (now Majs) George R. DuncanWalter F. JuddRussell L. Smith, 2nd Lts (now Capts) Letwell P.A. DuvauchelleGeorge I. Harris, SSgt (now CWO) Joseph L. Barnett, SSgt Harold Martinez, Sgts (now MSgts) Robert D.W. ChoiRichard S.O. Lee, and Sgt (now TSgt) Frederick H. Rittmeister.

The photograph shows the 199th Fighter Squadron flag and some F-86 Sabre models in a display.

It was 1956 and the unit was still organized as a fighter squadron. It was a carryover from World War II. The 154th Fighter Group received Federal recognition in December 1, 1960 with the 199 FS becoming one of the units within the Group. 

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