A Retiree News follower send in this photogrpah found on the internet. We asked Jeff Hickman for information and comments about the photograph.
This photograph shows one of the 117th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment’s famous SPAM nights while deployed to Afghanistan in 2011. The unit was located at Kandahar Airfield and ran a media center.
The Hawai‘i Army National Guard unit would find people from Hawai‘i all around the base and then invite them to a local meal in our facility. They would find people with stickers on their vehicles, by their patches, on the sand volleyball courts and also just hearing a “local” accent around the boardwalk or PX.
Top Row: CPT Jeff Hickman, and unknown ukulele swinger.
Bottom Row: CPL Gavin Ching, unknown guest, Commander of the 117th MPAD MAJ Melina Juan, 1SG Stephanie Hika, and then three unknown guests.
Sharing local food in a far away location is always great for morale and new friendships.
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