Check Six – 1966: Summer Camp at Dillingham Field

Posted on Nov 2, 2020 in 1960's, Check Six
Screen capture off a personal video

This photograph shows several F-102s in a taxi formation at Dillingham Field in MokulēʻIa. The 199th Fighter Squadron were in the sixh year of flying the Convair F-102 Delta Daggers. Flight operations out of Dillingham tested aircrews and maintenance in a bare base environment. Summer camps continued there and later expanded to the Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF) on Kaua‘i. This training ended in the early 1970s.

This photograph is a little fuzzy. It is a screen capture of a video sent to Retiree News by Tai “Mynah” Hong, a retired 199th Fighter Squadron pilot. Mynah said the video was converted from an old Super 8 home movie.

Retiree News currently cannot post the entire video to our website because of its size – 140 MB. We are working to find a server to post and link this video. More to come…

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