Webmaster Comments: 14.01.22

Posted on Jan 22, 2014 in Webmaster Comments

One year ago today, Retiree News Hawai‘i as a website began with it’s first posting. A year later, the website approaches 575 postings with over 40,000 views.

While the majority of readers are from the United States, the statistics provided by WordPress indicate that readers from 45 other countries have logged on and viewed postings. Many are former Hawai‘i National Guard members who are serving away from Hawai‘i or who relocated after retiring or leaving the Hawai‘i Guard.

Special thanks goes to those readers like Bob Inouye, Billy Chang, Steve Lum and many others, who send information and photographs for postings.

Anyone can send in event information for posting. Retiree News is especially looking for information about retirement luncheons and other organizational events.

Retiree News is soliciting two other things – old photos (with names) to post and updates from retirees and former members about their current situation. Everyone enjoys these articles. Send to [email protected]. 

As we begin our second year, there will be continued improvement to better serve our Retiree News readers. And please email feedback to help us improve.

Humbled to serve as your webmaster.

The appearance of external hyperlinks did not constitute endorsement by Retiree News, this included the linked websites, information, products, or services contained therein. Retiree News did not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations. Additionally, some of the sites linked to may limit the number of stories you can access without a paid subscription. All links were provided with the intent of meeting the mission of Retiree News.