Happy Birthday 203 ARS

Posted on Feb 12, 2014 in Webmaster Comments

The Air Force activated the 203rd Air Refueling Squadron on February 12, 1992.  Now in it’s 21st year, the squadron has grown and it’s missions expanded.  Many of the original members have moved on or retired, but many memories remain.

On February 12, 1994, the squadron hosted a first birthday celebration, a “baby” luau in local tradition. The squadron auditorium (in their old facility) was the place.  It was decorated in traditional style with the squadron members preparing the food.

The Master of Ceremonies was then Maj. Stanley Osserman.  He introduced the guests, among them, Maj. Gen. Edward Richardson, the Adjutant General and Brig. Gen. David Rodrigues, Commander of the Hawai‘i Air National Guard. Both spoke of the squadron’s humble beginnings and the accomplishments of their first year.

The squadron commander, the then Lt. Col. Walter Kaneakua was proud of his unit and grateful for their hard work, success and growth.  “We started with nothing,” he said.

Happy Birthday to the 203rd Air Refueling Squadron!

This posting was based on an article, written by SSgt Stephen Thomas that appeared in the April 1994 issue of the Kūkā‘ilimoku, the newsletter of the 154th Wing.

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