The Hawai‘i State Department of Defense once held their Awards and Retirement luncheons twice a year. These luncheons recognized retiring Federal and state employees. Current employees who achieved 10, 20, 30 or more years of longevity received service awards. Luncheons were held at the Hale Koa Hotel.
This photograph shows Samuel Kekuna, Moises Felipe, Sandy Hoggan, Antone Gabriel, and Norman Kaleo and at the August 22, 2008 luncheon.
Sam was great aircraft mechanic. He was always smiling and had a story to tell. Unfortunately he passed away in 2017.
Moises was the boss at the Fabrication Shop for many years. After retiring, he volunteers at the Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum.
Sandy enlisted in the Hawaii Air National Guard and later was commissioned. She served as a navigator in the 203rd Air Refueling Squadron. She lost her long, courageous battle with cancer in 2015.
Gabe was a fixture on the flightline, serving for many years before his retirement. Another great mechanic.
Norm was a steadfast aircraft mechanic who served many years with the 154th Wing after his active Air Force service. He served in the Royal Guard during his years of service. Friends call him “Capt Buckaloose”.
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