Check Six – 1961: Transitioning to the Deuce

Posted on Jun 27, 2022 in 1960's, Check Six

On July 19, 1960, the National Guard Bureau officially announced the 154th Fighter Interceptor Group (154 FIG) was converting to Convair F-102A Delta Daggers. The first Deuces arrived in Hawaii by ship on December 5, 1960. 

A contractor, Land Air Inc., handled de-cocooning and processing of the aircraft. They began delivery of ready birds to the Group commencing in January 1961. The first acceptance flight was a TF-102 on January 21, 1961. Colonel Jack D. Blanchard (Air Force Senior Advisor) was the pilot, and Brig Gen Valentine A. Siefermann was in the other seat. 

By March 1961, the 154 FIG received fifty percent of the assigned Deuces. This triggered off the 120 day period to become Operationally Ready in the new aircraft.

In May 1961, the F-102As replaced the North American F-86L Sabre Interceptors on status at the Alert Facility. The phased-out Sabre Interceptors went to Hickam AFB for salvage.

The following video shows the ceremony when the Deuces went on status at the alert facility. The 1352nd Photo Squadron, Det No. 3 filmed the event. The video is in the National Archives.

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