2021 Joan Orr Spouse Award: Lucy M. Morris

Posted on Jun 15, 2022 in Awards

Off the Hawaii Air National Guard Facebook page

Hawaii Air National Guard Key Ohana Spouse, Lucy M. Morris, is named the Air National Guard’s recipient of the 2021 Joan Orr Spouse Award

For several years Morris, spouse of Maj. “Mac” Morris, 199th Fighter Squadron, has devoted time and energy as a key spouse to members and families in the squadron. But as the pandemic hit, she realized that the extra time spent went a long way. Her gracious attitude and selfless efforts did not go unnoticed, as her local efforts were recognized at the national level as she became the recipient of the Air National Guard’s 2021 Joan Orr Spouse of the Year.

“I have always enjoyed volunteering and being a social connector,” Morris said. “My goal is to encourage more units around the country to instill a strong Key Spouse program, I really hope this program will continue to grow stronger.”

Thank you to all the spouses, family members, and Airmen that continuously support our service members and their Ohana.

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