Off the Hawaii Air National Guard Facebook page
Let’s face it, work emails might not be the most thrilling part of your day. But like everything else, there are exceptions!
Maj. Hank and the rest of the 204th Airlift Squadron’s Human Space Flight Rescue Crew received an unforgettable ‘thank you note’ directly from the International Space Station after supporting NASA’s most recent launch. The message included a jaw-dropping photo of earth from the ISS’s perspective.
As the four astronauts blasted off into the earth’s orbit, Hawaii Air National Guard C-17s provided contingency standby rescue packages, ready to deploy in the event of an unplanned landing.
The Pueos have taken on the rescue mission since the Commercial Crew Program started to send travelers to space in 2020, and routinely work alongside pararescue teams and many other ground-support partners.
An exert from the message read “It is humbling to be supported by you all, and to see the resources that are amassed to support our launches and landings. We are grateful for your vigilance and professionalism. Please extend our thanks to the rest of your team.”
Well done and congrats on completing another successful mission!
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