The 199th Fighter Squadron flew McDonnell Douglas F-4C Phantoms from 1976 through 1987.
When the 199th Fighter Squadron converted to the Phantoms, it was a pivot point in the unit’s history. The previous fighter aircraft – P/F-47 Thunderbolts, F-86E/L Sabres and the F-102A Delta Daggers – all saw combat time in World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam. But these aircraft were not air-to-air refuelable and were shipped overseas by cargo ships.
The Phantoms were air-to-air refuelable. After becoming fully operational, the 199 FS began overseas deployments to Korea, Japan, the Philippines, and Europe. Those deployments continued in the F-15 Eagle and the current F-22 Raptor eras to worldwide locations.
Another important change, the squadron doubled in size with the addition of weapons systems officers (WSOs). There were facility modifications to support these additional crewmembers, and increased support function space needs.
The support functions, especially maintenance and supply, had increased requirements. The conversion training was challenging, but the Group’s personnel met the challenges and excelled. The Air Force awarded the Group several Air Force Outstanding Units Awards during this 11 year period.
Mahalo to all who served during this important period in the 154th Wing’s history.
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