Phillip Tokunaga served in the Hawaii Air National Guard after his active duty in the Air Force. He was one of pilots who flew the 154th Composite Group’s Operational Support Aircraft (OSA) – then a Lockheed C-130A Hercules. Later, he was member of the 204th Airlift Squadron after the unit transitioned to multiple C-130H3s.
Retiree News emailed this photograph to Phil for comments and he provided this feedback:
“LOL Where did you dig up this photo? Looks like it was taken during one of our 154th Composite Group hangar parties. The photo is of my youngest son, Evan, who is now 37 and a practicing attorney. He looks to be about 1½ to 2 yrs. old so I’m guessing the photo was taken around 1985 or 1986. The little boy to the left in a red shirt is my oldest son, Joel, who is now 43 and an IT specialist.”
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