On November 4, 2016, Brig. Gen. Ryan Okahara, Commander, Hawaii Air National Guard, hosted the promotion ceremony for Brett “Doogie” Wyrick.
For the photograph from left to right:
Lt Col Marlon Rimando – flight surgeon
Lt Col James Faumuina, former 154th Medial Group, Detachment 1 commander. James retires this month after a long HIANG career.
Brig. Gen. Brett “Doogie” Wyrick
CMSgt Dawn Wahinekapu, 154th Medial Group Senior Health Technician
MSgt (now Lt) Gloria Lafitaga, was an Aerospace Medical Service Specialist in the picture. She was commissioned and now serves as a Public Health Officer/ International Health Specialist
MSgt (now SMSgt) Jared Mina, 154th Medial Group
Doogie served in the HIANG from November 1995 to December 2008 in various medical billets. After leaving the HIANG, he served in a series of positions with the Air National Guard and the National Guard Bureau. He returned in July 2016 as the Hawaii’s Assistant Adjutant General, Air.
In May 2017, he left to become the Assistant to the Command Surgeon, Air Combat Command (ACC/SG), Langley AFB, Virginia. Earlier this year, Doogie was promoted to major general, shortly after his assignment as the Air National Guard Assistant to the Surgeon General, United States Air Force, Pentagon, D.C.
In civilian life, Dr. Wyrick currently serves full time as the Federal Aviation Administration’s Regional Flight Surgeon for the Northwest Mountain Region. He provides medical supervision to approximately 300 Aviation Medical examiners in the region: Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. He serves as the Federal Air Surgeon’s delegated waiver authority on all classes of aviation medical certificates and air traffic controller fitness for duty determinations in the United States of America.
More photographs from this promotion ceremony
Special Thanks to Erik Wong for providing background information for this post.
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