Fini Flight: James Shigekane
Posted on Aug 31, 2021 in Ceremonies (Change of Commands, Retirements, Promotions, etc.)Off the Hawaii Air National Guard Facebook page

It’s hard to encapsulate what a successful career looks like as an Air Force wingman, pilot and leader.But getting hosed down by your ‘Ohana after a ‘Fini-Flight’ pretty much says it all!
Col. James Shigekane, 154th Wing vice commander, experienced his final flight on the KC-135 Stratotanker this morning and returned to a socially-distanced gathering comprised of colleagues, family and friends. What began as a dream of a local youth who wanted to spread his wings in the Air Force Academy, blossomed into a fulfilling career that spanned nearly three decades in service to country and state within the Active-Duty Air Force and the HIANG.
The fini flight is an Air Force tradition marking aviators’ departure from a unit, retirement, or the last time they fly an aircraft. Congratulations Colonel and Mahalo for being a leader who inspired many!
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