This undated photograph shows a plane side debrief with the maintenance crew. An unidentified mechanic is taking notes as Gar Pilgrim, the weapon systems officer (WSO) and the Richie Kunichika, the pilot.
Gar was a Traditional Guardmember who was one of the voices on KSSK AM and FM radio. He left the squadron as the 199th Fighter Squadron converted to F-15 Eagles in 1987.
During his career, Kuni flew F-86s, F-102s, F-4s, C-7s, C-130s, and F-15s with the 199th Fighter Squadron. When he retired in 1989, he was the 154th Group Deputy Commander for Operations. Kuni passed away in 2008.
Earlier Retiree News post: Check Six – 2008: Ritchie Kunichika
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