The 201st Combat Communications Group held an annual service dress uniform inspection during the December UTA week. In the photograph (L-R) are Miles Tamura, Jiro Arakaki, Pamela Bowers, Barry Castellano, and Annarene (Blair) Napoleon, members of the Operations Branch.
Miles worked for the Navy for many years after leaving the Air Force. He joined the Hawaii Air National Guard and served until his retirement.
Jiro began his career at the 109th Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron. He was a member of the 201st Mobile Communications Squadron when it activated in the late 1960s.
Pam served with the Air Force before joining the Guard. She earlier served an instructor tour at West Point. Her father-in-law is the late COL Francis A. I. “Miki” Bowers.
An Air Force Academy graduate, Barry joined the 201st Combat Communications Group after his last assignment at Hq, Pacific Air Forces. He was a senior network controller for Verizon when he unexpectedly passed in 2000.
Anna served her career in the 201st Combat Communications Group in various operations positions. In civilian life, she was a Primary Care Social Worker with the VA Pacific Islands Health Care System on Maui. She passed in 2018 and a long medical battle.
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