Hawaii National Guard Unit Emblems: 201st Intelligence Squadron

Posted on Jun 25, 2021 in Uncategorized*


On a disc Azure, a key Or over a paddle Brun in saltire between a knights chess piece Sable, highlighted Silver Gray, fimbriated Argent, in base in chief an arch of eight mullets of the second, all within a narrow border Silver Gray.

Attached above the disc, a Black scroll edged with a narrow Silver Gray border and inscribed “MA KA ‘IKE KA MANA” in Silver Gray letters.

Attached below the disc, a Black scroll edged with a narrow Silver Gray border and inscribed “201ST INTELLIGENCE SQUADRON” in Silver Gray letters.


Ultramarine blue and Air Force yellow are the Air Force colors.  Blue alludes to the sky, the primary theater of Air Force operations.  Yellow refers to the sun and the excellence required of Air Force personnel.  The key and knights chess piece symbolize intelligence and the steersman’s paddle signifies guidance.  The eight stars relate to the three Air Force Core Values, the two Hawaii Air National Guard values and the work, knowledge, power, theme of the motto.  The Hawaiian motto, “MA KA ‘IKE KA MANA,” translates to “IN KNOWLEDGE THERE IS POWER” in English.

The 201st Intelligence Squadron operates out of Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hicakam. The unit’s primary focus is to gather, analyze and interpret information from a variety of sources to allow leaders to make the necessary decisions to protect and defend the national interests of the United States. Through combined research, Air National Guard intelligence specialists create databases of information and materials to support combat mission planning and ensure our airmen are aware of enemy resources and abilities.

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