154th Security Forces Squadron Members Received Decorations for Task Force Capitol
Posted on Jun 24, 2021 in AwardsOff the Hawaii Air National Guard Facebook page

Air Force Security Forces personnel are renowned for their far-reaching impacts in maintaining safety and security. Through their efforts, operations, military bases, and task forces are afforded the peace-of-mind and operational latitude needed to accomplish the mission knowing that these security professionals have got their backs. So when seven 154th Security Forces Airmen receive recognition for their exemplary efforts while conduction security operations in support of Capitol Police at the United States Capitol from March 12 to May 23, it’s really no surprise. Still, it’s a big deal and we couldn’t be more proud of these remarkable defenders.
Congratulations to these 154th Security Forces Airmen. SMSgt Ryan Schreiner, SSgt. Rodney Pedro and Bryan Tenoso, SrA Ken Anthony Cabreros, and A1C Jacob James, Hunter Johnson, and Sheldon Goya who received Air Force and Army medals for their meritorious actions which significantly contributed to Team Hawaii’s mission objectives and enhanced the overall success of Task Force Capitol in Washington D.C..
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