Colonel Daniel Wrazien Promotion Ceremony
Posted on May 18, 2021 in Ceremonies (Change of Commands, Retirements, Promotions, etc.)Off the Hawaii Air National Guard Facebook page

Congratulations to one of our newest Airmen to join the ranks of ‘Full-Bird Colonels.’
Colonel Daniel Wrazien was joined by family members, Hawai‘i Air National Guard leadership and wingmen peers today during a promotion ceremony at the Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum.
Under his past leadership, as the commander of the 169th Air Defense Squadron, Col. Wrazien’s team was selected to receive the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award for the year 2019.
As the new commander of the 298th Air Defense Group, Col. Wrazien oversees homeland defense missions in Hawai‘i and Guam through a network of three geographically separated units, comprised of hundreds of Airmen from 28 career fields.
Under his past leadership, as the commander of the 169th Air Defense Squadron, Col. Wrazien’s team was selected to receive the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award (AFOUA) for the year of 2019.
Prior to joining the HIANG, Col. Wrazien served as a Master Air Battle manager, with more than 1,600 flight hours aboard an E-3 Airborne Warning and Control System, to include more than 500 hours of wartime missions in deployed environments.
Like so many other leaders and wingmen in the HIANG, Col. Wrazien attributed his success to the support of his family, mentors and coworkers and has ambitions to pay forward their guidance to new generations of Airmen.
Mahalo for your leadership and contributions to our team and ensuring the security of our nation, and we wish you well as you move forward to this new chapter in your career!
More photographs by the 154th Wing Public Affairs team
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