29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team Change of Command
Posted on Apr 26, 2021 in Ceremonies (Change of Commands, Retirements, Promotions, etc.)Off the 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team Facebook page

Hawaii Army National Guard commander, Brig. Gen. Moses Kaoiwi Jr. officiated the 29th Infantry Brigade Combat Team Change of Command on April 25, 2021. Col. Jonathan A. Ishikawa took command from Col. Michael A. Tougher III.
Prior to the Change of Command, there was a promotion ceremony where Jonathan Ishikawa became colonel. In the photograph above are: Col. Ishikawa’s wife, Gina, and son Cody, his parents Sally and Brig. Gen (Ret) Gary Ishikawa. General Ishikawa served as the Deputy Adjutant General during Governor Linda Lingle’s tenure.
More photographs by Sgt. Matthew A. Foster
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