Charlie (MED) Company and the Hawaii Air National Guard’s Detachment 1 Train Together
Posted on Apr 24, 2021 in 2020's, HistoryOff the Charlie Med Company, 29th BSB, 29th IBCT
During the 2021 April Drill Weekend (10-11APR21), members of the Hawai‘i Army National Guard’s Charlie (MED) Company and the Hawai‘i Air National Guard’s Detachment 1 conduct their first joint Field Training Exercise together at the Hawai‘i National Guard Rubble Pile Training Facility.
The team collectively trained for a mass casualty CBRNE scenario where medical assets, standard operating procedures (SOPs), and capabilities were shared between the two units. This exercise and relationship between the two units was first conceived during the Hawai‘i National Guard’s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, where members of both Charlie Med and Detachment 1 worked together on Task Force Medical. It is with high hopes that this and subsequent exercises will continue to foster the relationship between the two National Guard units and improve their readiness and ability to respond to any scenario that they may face.
More photographs by 1LT Eric Agluba
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