Sgt. Eric R. Binger & Spc. Michael J. Makinano win 2021 HIARNG Best Warrior Competition
Posted on Apr 13, 2021 in AwardsOff the Hawaii Army National Guard Facebook page

Congratulations to Sgt. Eric R. Binger, B Battery, 1st Battalion, 487th Field Artillery and Spc. Michael J. Makinano, HHB, 1st Battalion, 487th Field Artillery for winning the 2021 Hawaii Army National Guard Best Warrior Competition!
Both the Soldier of the Year and Non-Commissioned Officer of the Year received their awards from Command Sgt. Maj. James R. Jimenez, Command Sergeant Major, HIARNG, in front of a limited audience consisting of their leadership and family members.
Both winners earned the opportunity to compete in the regional level competition later in the year.
More photographs by Sgt. John Schoebel
Earlier Retiree News post: Best Warrior Competition 2021
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