Webmaster Comments 20.11.30

Posted on Nov 30, 2020 in Webmaster Comments

Feedback: An earlier post – Check Six – Early 1950s: Maintenance Crews – had a photograph of several aircraft mechanics. In this post, we could only identify three, Louis KonoRobert Choi, and Harold Mattos.

Later, George Kaneshiro submitted his comments:

I remember most of these great leaders in the photo below sorry but not all. The last two that are squatting are Fred Mau and Norman Ault. Standing 2nd from left is Sullivan, and the last four that are standing are Lewis KonoBobby ChoiHarold Mattos and William (?) Lazarus. These men were aircraft mechanics.

Another post – New commander for 254th Air Base Group, Guam ANG – reported that Christopher “Frenchy” Faurot assuming command. Retiree News received several requests for his email address. Send your congratulations to: [email protected]

Video Comments. Our post about flight operations at Dillingham Field had some feedback. Yes, there were orange flight suits. The transition to the olive drab suits began in the late 1960s. We can’t speak to the berets…. 

Kurt Johnson seen in the video designed the 199th Fighter Squadron logo. In the early 1970s, he designed the tail flash for the F-102 Delta Daggers. This tail flash designed carried over to the F-4 Phantoms,  F-15 Eagles and modified for the current F-22 Raptors. Kurt provided a name of Hawaiian bird for each F-4 Phantom. His Hawaiian influence and themes are a part of the squadron and the 154th Wing’s history.

Feedback: Last week’s post – Check. Six – 1970s: Mobility Line Processing – had an identification error. Vince “VJ” Park  was mistakenly identified as Dean Park. Another reader identified the airman next to VJ as Benet “Ben” Costa. Thanks to Doug Awana, Billy Chang and others who provided feedback.

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