MG Hara Awarded Defense Superior Service Medal
Posted on Oct 2, 2020 in Ceremonies (Change of Commands, Retirements, Promotions, etc.)
Off the Hawaii Adjutant General’s Facebook page
Maj. Gen. Kenneth S. Hara, Hawaii’s Adjutant General, received the Defense Superior Service Medal yesterday in a very small, socially distanced, ceremony. The medal was presented by Maj. Gen. Suzanne Vares-Lum, Mobilization Assistant to the Commander, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM) and a good friend of General Hara. The award period was for actions between October of 2015 to December of 2019.
The Defense Superior Service Medal is the second highest award bestowed by the Department of Defense. Awarded in the name of the Secretary of Defense, the award is presented to members of the U.S. Armed Forces who perform “superior meritorious service in a position of significant responsibility.”
Defense Superior Service Medal summary
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