203th Engineer Company Completes Office Renovation

Posted on Aug 26, 2020 in 2020's, History
Hawaii Army National Guard photograph

Off the 117th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment Facebook page

Soldiers with the Hawaii Army National Guard, 230th Engineer Company, assigned to Task Force Maui work to renovate an office building in Kahului, HI August 12, 2020.

Airport officials asked for the assistance of the National Guard to help renovate an office building that will be used as a holding area for passengers who may be exhibiting COVID symptoms and need to be tested. 

“For this office building we are making a partition to divide it in half and make two offices,” said Sgt. Josiah Baisa, Project Non Commission Officer in Charge (NCOIC). “We will also be installing doors, windows, and a new air conditioner.”

Soldiers are trained in using all equipment properly and safely to include air compressed nail gun, sliding miter saw, table saw, skill saw, and multi tool to name a few.

“It feels nice to be out in the field doing the job I was trained to do,” said Pvt. Mica Dacanay, Carpentry and Masonry Specialist. “I’m becoming more confident with using the equipment and I have people in my unit that mentor and encourage me to try new things.” 

Various skill sets that Soldiers are trained in include, carpentry and masonry specialist, electricians, and plumbers. All their training and skills is what contributes to the completion of projects with success. 

“I’m grateful for this mission so I can do my part to help out,” said Dacanay. “I’m doing my best and sometimes even little things can do a lot.”

The project is expected to be completed on August 21, 2020. 

More photographs by SSG Tinisha Mellein

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