Best Deployment Speech, Ever – 8 years ago

Posted on May 2, 2020 in 2010's, History

Off the 117th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment Facebook page

Today (April 29, 2020) marks the 8th Anniversary of the 117th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment’s deployment ceremony. It was held at Area X, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii and it was a nice day. The 117th asked former 103rd Troop Command Commander, COL Stephen Logan to be our speaker, but we had some very specific requests for his address.

We asked him to include a quote from Star Wars, Star Trek, The Lord of the Rings and also to use “five big words.” He delivered! He gave such an excellent speech that the Soldiers of the unit, families and unit friends still remember it to this day. 

The following is his speech from April 29, 2012:

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