CMSgt Darren Morris Retires
Posted on Dec 11, 2019 in Ceremonies (Change of Commands, Retirements, Promotions, etc.)
Congratulations to Chief Master Sgt. Darren Morris from the 204th Airlift Squadron for completing more than 35 years of service. After mastering three career fields and more than 5,000 flying hours as a loadmaster, Morris is retiring from the HIANG. Not only did he provide a priceless contribution to our state’s airlift capabilities, he also made a lasting impact on his wingman.
Even though he is moving on, he will continue to be example of excellence for many of us to follow. Once a Pueo, always a Pueo!
The Chief is the younger son of Colonel Melvin Morris. The colonel began is career at the then-169th Aircraft Control & Warning Squadron, served as the commander of the 201st Combat Communications Group, and later served in the maintenance complex at the 154th Wing.
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