Check Six: HIANG Receives Federal Recognition – 73 years ago.
Posted on Nov 4, 2019 in 1940's, Check Six
This photograph is from the Hawaii Air National Guard’s HANG 25 Anniversary booklet. It was taken on November 23, 1946 at Bellows Field in Waimanalo. The booklet provides the following names of those in the photograph.
Top row (L-R): Capt Valentine A. Siefermann, MSG Merlin J. Davidson, SSG Edward R. Watson, Cpl Ernest B. Holmwood, Cpl Charles L. Flanery, Donald Hopkins (?), Pvt Simeon Domingo, Cpl Lemuel A. Jones, Pvt Richard M. Uchida, SSgt Herbert Ing, TSG Robert A. Kemp, unknown, unknown, Pvt Irving T. Apana, Sgt Frederick H. Rittmeister, SSgt Colburn S. Thrum, SSgt Joseph L. Barnett, W.C. Hill (?), SSgt Clydesdale L. LaPointe, SSgt Sigund B. Jensen, unknown guard, Maj William F. Nolan.
Middle row: SSG Donald Carpenter, M.S. Padeken (?), SSG Richard S.O. Lee, Sgt Earl T. Padeken, unknown carpenter, unknown carpenter, Pvt Richard L. Wong, SSgt Harold J. Martinez, unknown, TSG Winton O. Sanson, SSgt Oscar H. Weiss, Cpl Will L. Brown, unknown.
First row: 1Lt George Duncan, 1Lt Walter “Papa” Judd, 1Lt John Perry, unknown, 1Lt David Withington, 1Lt Russell Smith, Capt Charles Royce, Capt Walter Kirschke, 1Lt Alfred Shaheen, 1Lt Edward Stuart, Capt William Weichert, 1Lt Robert Barry, Capt John Becker, unknown, Lt Alexander Anderson, Maj Leonard Marshall (Senior Army Instructor)
Earlier in the month, 74 personnel stood in the ranks as the Army Air Force Inspection Team conducted their inspection. Federal Recognition was announced on General Order No. 1, January 1947, with an effective date of November 4, 1946. (a year before the Air Force was established)
Happy Birthday to the Hawaii Air National Guard. Special thanks to all airmen who served and those who continue to serve today.
An earlier Retiree News post on the HIANG’s early days
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