Check Six – 2004: 293 CCS Retirement Party

Posted on Sep 10, 2019 in 2000's, Check Six
293d Combat Communications Squadron Photograph. To enlarge, right click and then click on “Open Image in New Window”

This photograph was taken at a retirement party for Gladys Lucas, Renee Yasso and Harold Scoggins. This retirement party was held on April 3, 2004. There were many people at the celebration, but in this photograph are some of the operations branch members who attended:

Back row: Roland ShimJim Causey, Henry ArthurBentley Alama, Alfred Brunn (hidden), Dean Nakazaki.

Front row: Ben Murata, Nolan Kanekuni, Gladys Lucas, Renee Yasso, Erik Fong, Harold Scoggins.

Everyone in the photograph are retired except Nolan. He continues to serve and is a chief master sergeant. Great Guardmembers!

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