Col Dann Carlson Assumes Command of the 154 th Wing
Posted on Aug 6, 2019 in Ceremonies (Change of Commands, Retirements, Promotions, etc.)Off the Hawaii Air National Guard Facebook page

Colonel Dann S. Carlson assumed command from Brig. Gen. Gregory “Woody” Woodrow, 154th Wing of the Hawaii Air National Guard (HIANG) Commander, at the Change of Command ceremony on August 4, 2019, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii. Woodrow, has served 33 years of military service, which concluded as commander of the 154th Wing since May of 2016.
Carlson, an Air Force Academy graduate, takes command of the Air National Guard’s largest wing. Prior to coming to the 154th Wing, he was the Assistant Superintendent, for Hawaii’s Department of Education, Office of School Facilities and Support Services. He served in various capacities as an active duty airman; F-16 instructor/evaluator pilot, Harrier exchange pilot, Thunderbird pilot, Fighter Squadron commander and Deputy Joint Base commander were some of the positions he held during a 25 year active duty career.
After retiring from active duty, he returned as a traditional guardsman with the HIANG serving as Director of Plans & Programs. During his short military retirement, he served as the Assistant Superintendent, for Hawaii’s Dept. of Education, Office of School Facilities and Support Services.
View the video of the ceremony
Earlier Retiree News post on Colonel Carlson
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