Check Six: Three 201 CCG members – 10 years ago

Posted on May 30, 2019 in 2000's, Check Six
Retiree News Photograph

This photograph shows Roy Matsumura, Robert Finley, and Jeffrey Okazaki; all members of the 201st Combat Communications Group (201 CCG). It was taken at the retirement ceremony for Brig. Gen. Kathleen Berg which was held at the Hickam Officer’s Club.

Coming out of the Air Force, Roy served in key leadership and management positions with the 201 CCG. His was serving as the Group’s Director of Logistics when he retired in July 1994.

Bob started in the 169th Aircraft Control & Warning Squadron, but later. transferred to the 201 CCG. Bob was a acknowledged as an expert logistics planner. Both the Air Force and the Air National Guard sought his expertise. Bob continues as the Chair of the Waikiki Neighborhood Board.

Jeff served in several leadership positions with the 201 CCG. When he retired, he was completing his tour as the group commander. He was a Traditional Guardmember who was the civilian personal officer with the Army at Fort Shafter.

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