1-299 Cavalry’s Multinational Spur Ride
Posted on Apr 11, 2019 in AwardsOff the 1st Squadron, 299th Cavalry Regiment Facebook page

The 1st Squadron-299 Cavalry Regiment’s 2019 Multinational Spur ride in the Sinai (South Camp) concluded at the Red Sea Oasis. Having completed the spur ride, the Shave Tails finally received what they worked so hard to obtain.
Ten Shave Tails had their Silver spurs slapped on and awarded the ranks of the KOA Squadron’s spur holders by the Squadron Commander, LTC John Udani and Command Sergeant Major, CSM Shon Antolin.
For the KOA Squadron’s newest spur holders, this challenging event is definitely a source of pride and a very important reminder of the unique traditions in a Cavalry Regiment.
The Spur Ride is the only means of joining the Order of the Spur, aside from a wartime induction.
Learn about The Order of the Spur
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