LTC Loren Penney Promoted to Colonel
Posted on Feb 22, 2019 in Ceremonies (Change of Commands, Retirements, Promotions, etc.)

HIARNG Photograph by SGT Tinisha Mellein-Fortson
Colonel Loren D. Penney is pinned to his current rank during a promotion ceremony held on Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo, December 23, 2018. Multinational Battle Group-East (MNBG–E) Commander Colonel Roy Macaraeg hosted the ceremony.
Penney is currently deployed overseas to Kosovo, where he serves as the deputy commanding officer of Multi-National Battle Group-East.
Penney has served his country for 29 years, joining the Hawaii Army National Guard (HIARNG) in May 2004. He previously served as a commander of the HIARNG’s Recruiting and Retention Battalion, and the 1-487 Field Artillery Battalion. He has deployed twice in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and is currently deployed in support of Operation Joint Guardian.
Congratulations Colonel Penney!
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