Check Six – 2005: Matt Masuyama Promoted

Posted on Dec 20, 2018 in 2000's, Check Six

On May 3, 2005, then-Col Stanley Osserman, 154th Mission Support Group commander, pinned Matthew Masuyama to First Lieutenant. The ceremony took place at the Kapolei High School gym during a school assembly with the student body in attendance.

In the first photograph: Principal Alvin “Al” Nagasako and Col Osserman pin Matt. Lt Col Galen Yoshimoto, then-154th Mission Support Flight commander, had just read the promotion orders.

In the second photograph: two members of the Mission Support Flight, Colyn (Funakoshi) Chang and Carol Tagami presented lei.

In the third photograph: During the ceremony, Col Osserman presented Al Nagasako with a Employer Support of the Guard and Reser (ESGR) Patriot Award in recognition of extraordinary support of Matt serving in the Hawaii Air National Guard.

Alvin “Al” Nagasako spent a total of 37 years as a teacher, principal and deputy superintendent until his retirement in 2009. In April 2010, he became the Executive Director of the Hawaii State Teachers Association (HSTA)  and served until January 2015.

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