This undated photographs shows Wayne “Walkman” Wakeman (Pilot) and David Nishioka (Weapon Systems Officer) in front of aircraft 505. When asked for comments about the photograph, Wildman provided the following:
Can’t remember the year or what the occasion. Must have been some kind of photo op because we both don’t have our G-suits on and I don’t even have my harness like Dave does. I must also be a captain since my wings only have the star without the wreath. Dave’s is the same.
Aircarft 505 was named “Moli” the Hawaiian name for the Laysan Albatrosses. They are large sea birds with 6-foot wingspans that range over the North Pacific. They are strong fliers and can spend their entire lives in the air over the ocean — feeding and sleeping without ever landing on solid earth. They do however, need to return to the land to nest and raise their young. Read more
The naming of the F-4 aircraft was done by Col Kurt Johnson. Read more from a previous Retiree News post.
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