Check Six: Munitions Maintenance – 49 years ago

Posted on Sep 5, 2018 in 1970's, Check Six

From the Fall 1969 issue of Hawaii Guardsman

Time 0400. The ringing of a telephone disrupts the sound sleep of the Missile Shop Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge. The message – early recall! “JTF-119, COCKED PISTOL”, mass load of all aircraft. This is the way an exercise starts for the 154 th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Munitions Maintenance Section.

Read the rest of the article   – great photo of some retirees when they were much younger

This Hawaii Air National Guard article came from a report filed by the 154th Wing historian, TSgt Theodore Merrill. This 2002 history report is on file with the Air Force Historical Research Center, Maxwell AFB, Alabama. It is truly unfortunate that a few years later, the Air Force chose to eliminate historian billets at the wing level.