The 201st Combat Communications Group deployed to the annual Team Spirit exercises in Korea. The 201 CCG units augmented the existing communications system and setup communications on exercise bare bases. This photograph shows (L-R) Toshi Nagai, the then-297th Air Traffic Control Flight; Gregory Ing, the then-201st Combat Communications Flight, and an unidentifed airman. There is even a hand crank field telephone in front of Greg.

Team Spirit was a joint military training exercise of United States Forces Korea and the Military of South Korea held annually between 1976 and 1993.
The exercise was also scheduled from 1994 to 1996 but cancelled during this time period as part of diplomatic efforts to encourage the Government of North Korea to disable the North Korean nuclear weapons program.
From 1997 through 2007, the exercise had been called “Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration of Forces” (RSOI). As of March 2008, it is called Key Resolve.
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