Check Six – 2009: HIARNG New Assignments, Promotions and Retirements

Posted on Jun 8, 2018 in 2000's, Check Six

From the June 15, 2009 Retiree News e-newsletter

+ Double Congratulations to COL Gary Hara. He currently serves as the Hawaii Army National Guard Chief of Staff but will retire from this civil service position to become the Assistant Adjutant General, Army. He just received his promotion orders to brigadier general.  The scheduling of his pining ceremony is an open item.  More to come….

+ Congratulations to COL Arthur “Joe” Logan, who will assume the Chief of Staff, Hawaii Army National Guard position, replacing Col Hara. He just returned from his deployment to Afghanistan. Joe did a super job heading the Guard’s Drug Interdiction Program and I know that he will do same as the Chief of Staff!

+ Belated Congratulations to COL Stephen Logan, who assumed command of the 103rd Troop Command, headquartered in Pearl City. This is an M-Day assignment and he continues to serve as the State Army Aviation Officer (SAAO) as a technician. He will raise the already high standards set by previous Troop Command commanders.

+ COL Steve Logan replaces COL Stanley Keolanui, who has retired. COL Keolanui was an achiever throughout his military career. He did an outstanding job wherever the command assigned him.  BG Joseph Chaves mentioned a long list of these achievements during his change of command speech – it was an impressive list!  Happy Retirement to a true officer and gentleman!