From the 1998 Department of Defense Annual Report

In 1994, the Hawai‘i State Legislature and Governor established Children and Youth Day (CYD) in Hawai‘i as the first Sunday of every October to celebrate and honor our children and youth and the special contributions they make to our community. After much community discussion, Act 30 of 1997 was passed to dedicate the entire month of October as Children and Youth Month in Hawai‘i.
Children & Youth Day happens on the first Sunday of October, each year. This year is the 25th Annual Event which falls on Sunday, October 7, 2018 from 10:00am-3:00pm! CYD is a time to recognize the potential and special gifts of our keiki (children) and ‘opio (youth). It is a time for them to shine and share their bountiful energy with their community.
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