HIANG’s Newest Chief Master Sergeant
Posted on Mar 4, 2018 in Ceremonies (Change of Commands, Retirements, Promotions, etc.)

SMSgt Zandra Fox, 154th Force Support Squadron Superintendent is promoted the rank of CMSgt (E-9) on March 1, 2017 on board the Hickam C-17 before departing from Andrews AFB, Maryland headed home to Hickam AFB, Hawaii.
CMSgt Fox was shocked to be get her new stripes presented by MG Arthur Logan, The Adjutant General (right) and SMSgt Russ Goble (left) while CMSgt Al Fritz and CMSgt William Parker hold the American flag in the background.
The HIANG team was in Washington DC working functional program requirements with the Air National Guard Readiness Center (ANGRC) and visiting our congressional delegation to give updates on the Hawaii Air National Guard. The C-17 is being flown and operated by the 204th Airlift Squadron.
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