Max’s Restaurant supervisor honored with Department of Defense Patriot Award
Posted on Feb 28, 2018 in Awards
Judith Tomas, supervisor for Max’s Restaurant, Maui was presented with a Patriot Award December 11 in recognition of her continued support provided to Specialist Manuel Soco, a Hawaii Army National Guard soldier. The award was presented by ESGR volunteer Donna Shimizu.
“I have been employed at Max’s for only a few months and much of that time, I have been deployed and attended training. I appreciate the support provided by Judith,” stated Soco.
Tomas expressed 100 percent support for Soco’s military career.
“ESGR is a Department of Defense program whose primary mission is to encourage cohesive relationships with civilian employers and our Guardsmen & Reservists. In addition, we provide USERRA briefings to our service members to ensure they know their rights and responsibilities under the law that protects their jobs when they return from a service period. When we are out talking to them, we also talk about the opportunity to recognize their employers for superior support of their membership in the Guard & Reserve because they can’t do what they need to do without a solid foundation – at home and at work. Supervisors like Tomas respects and supports her employee for his military duty. Her understanding in allowing for flexibility in scheduling work and time off, demonstrates great care for her employee,” stated Shimizu.
ESGR seeks to foster a culture in which all employers support and value the employment and military service of members of the National Guard and Reserve in the United States. For more information about ESGR outreach programs or volunteer opportunities, call (800) 336-4590 or visit
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