When the 154th Fighter Interceptor Group (154 FIG) converted from the F-102A Delta Dagger to the F-4C Phantom II, the organization was redesignated the 154th Tactical Fighter Group (154 TFG). The Hawaii Air National Guard had flown “Deuces” since 1960 supporting an air defense mission.
With this transition came a mobility mission because the Phantoms had air-to-air refueling capability. After achieving operational status, the 154 TFG began deploying to Anderson AFB, Guam, Clark AB, Philippines and other Pacific Air Force (PACAF) locations. The mobility mission was in addition to continuing to maintain several aircraft on 24/7 alert status.
A mobility function was added to the manning document. Then-Maj Melvin Asai became the Mobility Officer, coming off active duty with PACAF. Later, then-MSgt Douglas Abe became the Mobility NCOIC.
The undated photograph above shows the mobility team working in the old dining facility on the second floor, where the Operations Center is currently. The dining facility was their second office since Maj Asai also served as the Services Officer on UTA weekends.
We estimate the photograph was taken in the middle to late 1980s based of ranks and the fatigue uniforms.
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