SFC Christopher Ventura Retires
Posted on Nov 25, 2017 in Ceremonies (Change of Commands, Retirements, Promotions, etc.)The following article and comments about Sergeant First Class Christopher Ventura’s retirement ceremony was taken from the 111th Army Band Facebook page.

We would like to honor SFC Christopher Ventura, whose retirement we celebrated on Veterans Day, 2017. SFC Ventura served for 27 years, the majority of those with the 111th Army Band. Most recently, SFC Ventura the 111th Army Band’s Readiness NCO, but he has held many positions within our unit, including taking on the role of First Sergeant.
SFC Ventura is a superior musician. He is also a teacher and mentor to both subordinates and peers. SFC Ventura is known equally for his good advice as he is for his sense of humor and quick wit. It had always been such a privilege to work and perform with SFC Ventura.
We will miss his musicianship, mentorship, and jokes. We wish you all the best in your retirement, SFC Ventura! We look forward to your future visits – you’ll always be welcome in the bandroom!
A special thank you to SGT Amanda Gerlach for photographing SFC Ventura’s retirement ceremony.
An earlier post about Christopher Ventura
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