David Howard served as the 201st Mobile Communications Squadron commander in Hilo for about 6 years. In March 1981, he left for a Statutory Tour, becoming the ANG Assistant to the Commander, Air Force Communications Command (AFCC).
In the photograph are (L-R) Walter “Furu” Furuyama, David Howard, Buenaventura (Benny) Pabingwit, and David “Kawika” Langsi.
This is a photo from my aloha party before I left for a Statutory Tour at HQ AFCC in 1981. All four of us had been in the 109th AC&W Squadron at Punamano on O‘ahu in 1958 (the other three before I joined, so all three were “senior” to me in 1958).
Dave Langsi and I both went to the 150th AC&W Squadron, Kōke’e, Kaua‘i in 1961. Walt Fururyama and Benny Pabingwit stayed with the 109th. Dave and I returned to the 109th, ultimately that was transitioned to the 201st Mobile Communications Squadron, and finally renamed the 201st Combat Communications Group. Before the transition, I spent a couple of years at the 169th AC&W Squadron at Wheeler AFB/Mt Ka‘ala before re-joining the new 201st Mobile Communications Squadron.
I miss those great guys, and many of the others from those days.
Dave Howard retired as the commander of the 251st Combat Communications Squadron in Springfield, Ohio. After a second career with a telecommunications company, he retired and lives in Florida. Walt, Benny and Kawaka retired after long technician careers in the Hawaii Air National Guard. Benny passed away in 2007.
Special Thanks to Dave Howard for sharing this photograph and part of the HIANG history
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