Webmaster Comments: 17.07.22

Posted on Jul 22, 2017 in Webmaster Comments

2017 Hawaii National Guard Birthday Ball: This year’s ball is scheduled for December 15, 2017. The ball will be at the Kalakaua Ballroom (4th Floor), Hawaii Convention Center.

The event committee is planning another superb evening of dining and entertainment. To offset the increasing costs of the ball, the committee is planning some fund raising events.

+ The first is the bowling tournament. The flyer with more information posted yesterday.

+ In September and November, there will be car wash fund raisers. The flyers for the car washes will post as the exact dates approach. Additionally, there will be a bake sale at each car wash.

Request for Old Photographs:  Thanks to the Retiree News readers who submitted their old photographs – We appreciate your support. Special Thanks to Steve Lum who continues to submit old photographs from the Department’s and his photograph collection.

Retiree News receives a lot of great feedback when we feature old photographs of Guardmembers and Guard activities. It’s great to look back to see how things were in the 50s, 60s and the following years. It is always a conversation start to see retirees when they were lieutenants or airmen/privates.

If you have any old photographs from “the old days”, please scan them as JPEGs and email them to [email protected]. This request also goes to younger Guardmembers whose older family members served in the Hawaii Army and Air National Guard.

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